Make Your Mark! Submit Your Groundbreaking Science!
Make Your Mark! Submit Your Groundbreaking Science!
Abstracts | |
Challenging Cases | |
TCT® Plus Middle East Shark Tank Innovation Competition |
Email us at [email protected].
Submission Categories
Submit your abstracts of original research for the opportunity to present to your colleagues. Research can be in the form of clinical studies, basic science investigations, or preclinical studies and must be relevant to interventional cardiology, endovascular medicine, or structural heart disease. Your abstracts must convey original research but can include portions of previous abstracts and/or manuscripts presented or published elsewhere.
Note: Submit single-patient case reports to Challenging Cases, regardless of the novelty of the case.
Guidelines: Please ensure that your abstract submission undergoes thorough grammatical checking to ensure it is publication-ready if accepted. Additionally, verify that all study information, including tables and images, is correctly uploaded and displayed on the submission site.
Character limit is 2,200, including spaces (approximately 300-350 words).
Images will reduce your character limit by 600.
Tables will reduce your character limit by 300.
Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in early March.
Physicians and fellows from around the world, submit your most challenging coronary, endovascular, and structural heart disease cases. The best cases will be chosen by the course directors for presentation.
Guidelines: Character limit is 2,450 total for case summary, history, diagnostic tests, procedure, conclusion, comments. PowerPoint slide presentation highlighting your case is optional.
Images: 10 MB.
Video formats: 30 MB mpeg, wmv, avi, mov, mpg, mp4.
Images will reduce your character limit by 600.
Tables will reduce your character limit by 300.
Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in early March.
Enter the Shark Tank!
Showcase your groundbreaking cardiovascular innovations at the inaugural TCT® Plus Middle East Shark Tank Innovation Competition. Submit your concept-stage novel technologies in interventional cardiovascular medicine for a chance to present to a panel of expert judges and compete for an award of US$200,000 provided by Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare.
Your submission must be relevant to the monitoring, diagnosis, or treatment of coronary, endovascular, or structural heart disease and meet all three of the following criteria:
- Addresses an unmet clinical need.
- Has preliminary patent application filed.
- Includes preclinical or early human clinical data.
Guidelines: Describe clinical indication for innovative device or technology. Character limit 2,450, including spaces. Submit 15–20 PowerPoint slides covering aspects of the technology.
Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in early March.
Frequently Asked Questions
Log in to reset your Call for Science password and select FORGOT PASSWORD.
Please note that only one Call for Science email account should be used. Kindly refrain from using or creating multiple accounts.
Yes, entries must be original research but may include portions of abstracts and/or manuscripts presented elsewhere.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept submissions after the final submission deadline has elapsed.
Yes, you can make changes to your submission at any time before the submission deadline.
Log in to manage your submission. You can add authors or update information within the authors' profiles by visiting your submission and selecting the AUTHORS tab. To designate a new presenter or author, simply check the PRESENTER box next to the relevant name.
TCT® Plus Middle East is exclusively an in-person event. Virtual participation is not offered.